What a thoughtful, detailed look at this topic. Incredibly useful for me, I use a LOT of processing like this for my beats here at PolyesterCity, so I will be checking these out. Thank you so much for the work that you put into this and all you do!

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Cheers Peter. So glad you found it useful!

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Great rundown, as usual - thanks Andrew! I especially liked the demo of SketchCassette II, not only because I had not heard of it before, but also I think I ended up liking that one the best of the three (though props to Chow Tape too - can't beat that price! :-)). This presentation was also just a good reminder about what a wonderful effect lo-fi tape can be in general. Whenever I hear this sort of thing it always brings to mind listening to a faded cassette copy I had back a long time ago of David Sylvian's "Alchemy: Index of Possibilities" (one of my desert-island listening selections, for sure); side B was a side-long piece called "Steel Cathedrals", that always sounded to me like it was deliberately recorded with tape hiss, which seemed kind of warm and appealing, like vinyl crackle.

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Thanks Frank! Yeah, Sketch Cassette is really fun. It's the newest of the group that I own, but I'm enjoying it quite a bit these days. The NR Compression tool is super cool and very unique sounds are possible.

Great call on the Sylvian piece there. II do think tape is best when the material suits it - ambient music seems to fit the bill better than most, for whatever reason.

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